
学生学业成功中心 (CSAS) is committed to supporting all RWU students as they take on the challenges of achieving their degree. 该中心由咨询中心组成 & 留学生同侪辅导办公室 & 学者服务, 学生无障碍服务, and the 辅导中心.

CSAS promotes student success by offering a wide range of academic support services, working closely with students and 教师 to develop academic plans, 并在学生生活中与同事合作, 职业和专业发展中心, 注册主任办事处, 还有校园里的其他院系. 我们的 unit leads RWU's student success and retention initiatives and serves as a resource for students, 教员, 以及家庭如何度过大学生活. 学生的成功是我们的首要任务! 

CSAS is located on the first and second floors of the University Library. 
你可以发电子邮件网赌的十大网站 csas@chriswaldegar.com 或者打电话 401-254-3456.


我们的 辅导及同侪辅导办公室 is here to help students succeed throughout their time at RWU. New students receive support in transitioning successfully to college, and all students can receive guidance in regard to meeting academic and personal goals.

国际学生 & 学者服务

国际学生 & 学者服务 works to support international students and scholars in the RWU community and support the University's international efforts.


Roger Williams University offers individualized advising and guidance for students and alumni planning for a career in the health professions after they graduate. 点击这里了解更多关于健康前建议的信息. 


学生无障碍服务 staff are here to help eligible students access the academic accommodations they need to thrive at RWU.  


通过 辅导中心, students can receive free tutoring support from 教师 and peer tutors in a breadth of subject areas, 包括数学, 写作, 业务, 科学, 语言, 和更多的. 

Hear from our Peer Mentors about their experiences with the program!

建议 & 同侪辅导(A&PM)学生成功工作坊系列 
6:30-7:30pm in the Mary Tefft White room on the 1st floor of the University Library 


期末考试准备 & 减压
建议 & 同侪辅导(A&PM)学生成功工作坊系列 
6:30-7:30pm in the Mary Tefft White room on the 1st floor of the University Library 

We 站在一起 with Black students and employees at Roger Williams University. 最近的事件, especially the horrific deaths of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Breonna Taylor在路易斯维尔报道, 和阿莫德·阿贝里. 乔治亚州, have heightened societal awareness of police killings and other violence toward Black people as well as the complex, 长期的系统性种族主义和隐性偏见. This is occurring simultaneously with a worldwide pandemic that has taken many lives with disproportionate impact on communities of color. We recognize all of this has been distressing for many RWU community members, 尤其是对我们的黑人学生, 教师, 和工作人员.      

许多学生已经或正准备这样做 采取行动 积极的社会变革. 这可能包括倾听别人的意见, 参与“黑人的命也是命”运动, getting involved with social justice opportunities on and off campus, 通过艺术创造性地表达自己, and/or making financial contributions to worthy causes. Many white students and employees are taking this opportunity to more deeply focus on their white privilege and what they can do individually and collectively to support meaningful change. It might also mean that you are taking a break from news and social media, 这当然也是可以理解的. We encourage you to continue to take care of yourself as you actively seek to improve the world around you.

我们随时准备 支持你. 提醒一下, 咨询中心的工作人员, the Intercultural Center and the 学生学业成功中心 are available remotely to provide you support for your academic, 情感, 以及人际需求. Please visit our respective websites referenced below to learn about what we can offer and explore the list of resources provided below you might find helpful during these challenging times.  

-心理咨询中心的工作人员, 跨文化中心 and the 学生学业成功中心

