Student Accessibility Services (SAS)

Jeremy Warnick Center for Student Accessibility

Contact Us 

Email:      Phone: 401-254-3841        

Location: 大学图书馆(钟楼),布里斯托尔校区一楼

Academic Year Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm

Summer Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm

SAS works with students, faculty, 以及RWU的管理人员,以确保学生体验的各个方面的学习和生活包容性.  我们注意促进学生机会均等.

ClockWork Portal Link:

Clockwork Portal


SAS Registration



* 2028届学生注意:请在2024年春季课程结束前(5月15日之后)不要提交网赌的十大网站表格/文件, 2024). 


  • Have all documentation completed in its entirety and gathered in .PDF form before continuing on to Step 2.
  • 如果你已经有了由SAS员工运行和批准的文件, please skip this step and go onto Step 2.
  • Please note that all forms were updated in August 2022. 在2022年10月31日之前,我们将接受旧版本的表格. 
  • 当您准备好上传文档时,请访问 RWU-SAS Portal 然后点击“注册”选项填写您的网赌的十大网站问卷.  You will be able to upload a .PDF copy of your documentation from that page.   
  • 如果你还没有准备好所有的文件,你仍然可以填写网赌的十大网站表格. Later, you can scan and email a .PDF copy of your documentation to  
  • Once your intake file is complete and submitted, 您的住宿要求和文件将被审查. 然后,将发出关于审查结果的确认电子邮件. 
  • Be sure to complete this step on a laptop or desktop, using Google Chrome or Firefox internet browsers. Also, check your student email for a confirmation email, stating you successfully submitted your intake form. 
  • 请注意:在线网赌的十大网站页面允许3个单独的上传, 所以如果你有更多的文件你想提供, please note this in an email to

一旦文件审查委员会完成对学生文件的审查, SAS将直接与学生联系,安排招生会议, as part of the interactive process.

  • Go to the Clockwork Portal to:
    • 如欲发出教授通知书,请按“Send Professor Notification Letters” link
    • 通知函将以电子方式发送给您选择的课程的教授,以通知您有关此类住宿的信息. Additionally, no disability information is disclosed in such letters.
    • 如果您没有完成上述步骤,请正式通知您的教职员工, 他们没有义务为你提供已经批准的住宿. 
    • 请注意:如果您添加了一个类,您将能够为额外的类重复上述步骤. 

SAS Accommodation Protocols 

  • Students with approved exam accommodations 必须在考试前至少4个工作日通过ClockWork安排考试吗. 期末考试必须至少提前3周安排.
  • Adapted or Alternative Textbooks: students approved for this accommodation will be able to obtain an accessible book(s) by putting in a request through Clockwork>Forms>Alt Format Book Request Form
  • Class Notes: 请与您的每位教师和SAS讨论如何整合这种住宿, that best meets your needs.
  • Service Providers such as Peer Notetakers: register here to become a notetaker and upload notes.


  • 我们鼓励学生在每学期开始的时候,通过以下方式将他们的教授通知信发送给他们的导师 Clockwork 
  • Housing accommodation(s) request deadlines for returning students 会在早春通过居住、生活和住房部和SAS进行沟通吗. 
  • Housing accommodation(s) request deadlines for incoming, first year students 将在春末/夏末通过居住、生活和住房部进行沟通.




*In addition to the documentation, 需要与SAS员工进行交互式流程会议.


Emotional Support Animal Student Agreement Contract

App Resources

Parent and Family Orientation Presentation