
网赌的十大网站 is home to the RWU 教育考试中心, 在哪里你可以通过考试获得证书,或者通过你的知识基础获得大学学分.

在RWU教育考试中心,您可以参加全国主要考试供应商(如PearsonVue)的考试, Certiport, CLEP和Prometric. We are also a recognized Area Test Center for NOCTI’s Teacher Testing.

教育考试中心预约门户网站已经开放,考生可以预约座位. Seats may be reserved Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. 到下午4点.m.

夏天的时间: The 教育考试中心 will be open regular hours:  周一至周四上午9点.m. 到下午4点.m. 整个夏天.  Beginning, May 24, the center will be open on Fridays from 9:00 a.m. 至下午1时.m. 7月12日、19日、26日、8月2日、9日等周五闭馆.


RWU教育考试中心只支持NOCTI教师考试.  NOCTI的教师评估旨在衡量个人对更高层次概念的知识, 理论, 并在特定技术领域的应用,以评估个人与教育相结合, 培训, 工作经验. NOCTI与区域测试中心(ATC)协调员合作,帮助创建一个项目,其中包括协调员的培训材料, 监考, 和评估. 拥有50多个技术领域, NOCTI为CTE教师候选人提供各种工具和资源.

了解更多关于 RWU的职业生涯 & Technical Education Teacher Certification (CTE) Program.

请联系RWU网赌的十大网站管理团队注册并支付考试费用,并在教育考试中心预订您的座位.  We can be reached at 401-254-3530 or RWUtestingcenter@chriswaldegar.com.

皮尔森VUE is the global leader in professional computer-based testing. 每两秒钟, a 皮尔森VUE exam is delivered somewhere in the world, 每年, 皮尔森VUE delivers 14 million exams at nearly 20,000 test centers in 180 countries.

Scheduling an Exam directly with PearsonVue

考生可以通过电话直接与PearsonVue预约考试时间并支付考试费用,也可以在PearsonVue网站上注册一个账户 PearsonVue网站. 然而, 在RWU教育考试中心完成座位预订后,注册才会完成. Reserve your seat with the RWU 教育考试中心 if you have already scheduled your test with PearsonVue.

Scheduling and Exam directly with the RWU 教育考试中心

Prior to registering for a 皮尔森VUE test, 你必须购买代金券, 因为RWU教育考试中心只接受凭单作为考试费用. 参观 PearsonVue商店 购买代金券.

Once you have purchased a voucher, 请直接联系RWU教育考试中心报名参加考试. Call us 电话401-254-3530或电子邮件 us at RWUtestingcenter@chriswaldegar.com. 预订座位.

CLEP offers 34 exams that cover introductory level college course material. 通过一次CLEP考试,你可以获得三个或更多的大学学分.S. 大专院校.

Register and pay for an exam with CLEP.

Reserve your seat with the RWU 教育考试中心 and pay your scheduling fee ($30 + credit card processing fee).

了解更多关于RWU的信息 先前学习评估 Program.

Prometric公司——DSST 是为世界上许多最受认可的许可和认证组织提供技术支持的测试和评估解决方案的领先供应商吗, 学术机构, 以及政府机构. 


There is no pre-pay/preregistration for tests. 考生在考试时在工作站以信用卡支付考试费用. 

Reserve your seat with the RWU 教育考试中心 and pay your scheduling fee ($30 + credit card processing fee).

RWU教育测试中心只提供微软Office专家认证 Certiport. Certiport is a 皮尔森VUE business, 成立于1997年,现在是认证考试开发的领先提供商, 交付, and program management services.  Certiport exams are delivered through an expansive network of over 14,000 Certiport Authorized Testing Centers worldwide.

网赌的十大网站有一份培训和考试执照清单. 购买代金券.

Reserve your seat with the RWU 教育考试中心 参加考试并支付排期费(30美元+信用卡处理费).

The RWU 教育考试中心 监考 RWU挑战考试. Please schedule the exam and pay the $30 seating fee on the 预订门户.

Welcome and thank you for utilizing the RWU 教育考试中心. This document provides all the information you need to find us, 停车地点以及考试中心的指导方针和学生责任.

Roger Williams 网赌的十大网站 is located at 1 Empire Plaza, 普罗维登斯RI 02903位于普罗维登斯市中心的心脏, 罗德岛州的首府, our campus provides modern classrooms, 智能白板上技术, and several lounges for study and relaxation. The Testing Center is located in room 218.
你可以把车停在大街上,或者使用位于华盛顿街165号的市政中心车库, 普罗维登斯RI 02905.

Test Center Rules and Guidelines Student Responsibilities:

Candidates taking exams have certain responsibilities. Their conduct must not affect other candidates in the testing room.
•    Arrive to scheduled appointment on time and prepared to test.
•    Present a valid photo ID upon arriving to test.
•将所有个人物品存放在提供的安全区域或存放在考试中心外, 比如候选人的车辆.
•    Unless an exam sponsor states otherwise, 考生必须在没有参考资料或其他人帮助的情况下答题. 考生不得以书写或其他方式记录问题,也不得将问题带出考场.
•您将被允许进入考场,并被分配到一个带有计算机的测试站, 鼠标, 和键盘. The Testing Center Proctor will log you into the testing station, and you will be ready to start the exam.
•    Breaks are permitted during the exam; however, 休息期间不停止考试,考试时间继续倒计时,不能补考.


将所有个人物品存放在提供的安全区域或存放在考试中心外, 比如候选人的车辆. If you are unable to store belongings in vehicle, 将提供一个安全区域存放任何不允许进入测试中心的物品. 以下项目是唯一允许进入测试中心的项目.
•    ID
•    Approved testing materials

Prohibited Items and Examinee Conduct in the Test Center

•    Weapons are not allowed in the testing center.
•未经授权的个人物品不得带入考场. 这些项目包括, but are not limited to: outerwear, 帽子, 食物, 饮料, 钱包, 公文包, 笔记本电脑, 学习材料, 手表, 手机, electronic devices of any kind, 或者可穿戴技术.
•书面笔记, published materials and other testing aids are strictly prohibited, except where allowed by your test sponsor. 测试中心工作人员将参考适用的客户实践来获得津贴.
•检测中心出具的所有材料必须在检测结束后归还. 使用过的草稿纸必须归还,然后考试中心管理员才会在考试期间发给新的草稿纸
•    Talking to other candidates in the test room, 提到他们的屏幕, testing materials or written notes is strictly prohibited.


•    Giving or receiving assistance of any kind.
•    Attempting to take a test for someone else.
•    Failing to follow test regulations or instructions of the Proctor.
•    Causing a disturbance of any kind.
•删除, 或者试图移除, 考场的试题和/或回答(任何形式)或有关考试的说明.


教育测试中心位于帝国街一号,218室,普罗维登斯,RI 02903. 我们的工作时间是早上9点.m. 到下午4点.m. Monday-Friday. We are closed for all RWU holidays. 

有关教育考试中心的问题可以由我们的行政团队周一至周五上午9点回答.m. 到5点.m. 电话401-254-3530或电子邮件 RWU检测中心.