Corporate and Community Trainings


我们提供定制的课程,是情境化的,有针对性的,以满足您在这个不断变化的业务需求, complex, technologically driven business world. 我们的员工作为人力资源部门的延伸,协助您实现专业发展和教育目标. Our programs are flexible, industry-driven, and can be delivered online, in-person at your location or on our Providence campus. 根据您的需要,它们也可以是混合服务交付模型.



  • Maximizing the talent of your incumbent workers
  • Developing a pipeline of potential talent to fill a new position
  • Onboarding new employees
  • Teaching a new skill, competency or technology
  • 为组织中的中层管理人员(主管和董事)提供领导力发展
  • 就关键管理问题提供培训,以发展高级管理人员的能力
  • Coaching at all levels of the business or organization

Regardless of your educational goals, 我们设计定制的培训或教育项目以能力为基础, 结合前后评估来捕捉对你学习目标的影响. 我们通过为您的行业或能力领域匹配合适的专家或从业者,努力确保我们的项目能够响应企业需求. 我们的工作人员和教师开发与文化相关的情境化课程, 我们有一些教师可以用西班牙语授课.

University College Partners With:

这个培训系列的目的是在不同的供应商和合作伙伴环境中教育和发展个人和专业关系. 企业所有者和管理人员将能够学习和教育CVS Health所拥有的价值观和能力. We believe this training will give business executives the knowledge, skills and abilities to flourish within their industry. 我们正在征求不同供应商的意见,他们正在寻找机会展示他们的公司,并希望与财富公司建立关系.

这一在线和面对面的灵活管理人员培训项目的课程设置基于以下几个方面, 愿景和核心价值观支持多元化供应商社区的教育, with an aim of increasing the success of the diversity-based businesses; Feedback is given to CVS Health from selected national diversity chamber and council leaders regarding the mission and values of a diverse business. 

当选的国家多样性领导人包括几个倡导团体. 反馈是由以前的学生谁已经完成并在网赌的十大网站劳动力中心取得成功 & 专业发展高管和行政系列培训课程.


  • Budgeting, Capital, & Finance
  • Communication
  • Content Marketing (Exploring Social Media)
  • Leadership, Management, and Business Innovation
  • RFP


Learn About the CVS Executive Learning Series for Diverse Suppliers

Led by Connecting for Children & 家庭(CCF)和支持培训机构,如网赌的十大网站, 北罗德岛职业学院(NRI职业学院)满足银行入门级工作合格候选人的行业定义需求, credit unions, insurance, call centers and bookkeeping/accounting. 通过完成课程,学生将获得每个模块的可堆叠证书.

NRI正在积极招募2月/ 3月的课程,感兴趣的学生应该尽早联系NRI. 

Connecting for Children & Families and Northern Rhode Island Career Academy

This program covers different topics in the workforce such as:

  • Customer Service
  • Banking
  • Industry Basics
  • Sales
  • Soft Skills
  • Call Center

For more information, please contact Cynthia Lawlor from Connecting for Children & Families at 401.766.3384 ext. 225 or Cynthia Lawlor

Generations (和RWU的网赌的十大网站提供注册药物技术员(CMT)培训, licensed by the RI Department of Health. 持有当前RI州许可证的cna有机会在十五(15)周内获得其医疗管理认证, 八周的速成班或两周的日间班, depending on availability. 该计划由罗德岛州卫生部许可,并符合所有必要的要求和指导方针. 世代及RWU网赌的十大网站保留取消任何课程的权利, at any time and for any reason, including due to low enrollment.

University College, in partnership with NEIEP, 是否为电梯施工指导员制定了一个包括非学分课程和研讨会的综合计划. 项目培训机构旨在提高他们对学徒和机械师的教学能力, not only for their benefit, but for the benefit of their employer and the industry.

Learn About the NEIEP

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