RWU Academic Exploration Program

From planning your path to finding it, 无论你是否对自己的专业有想法,罗杰威廉姆斯大学都会支持你, are split between majors, or still searching for the perfect program.

Tailored Academic Advising

From Day 1, 未申报的学生有意与职业和学术顾问匹配,以帮助你找到最适合你的项目和道路.

4 years to graduation

You'll have plenty of time to explore. RWU灵活的课程设置使学生能够在四年毕业的同时,对潜在的专业进行实际操作和真正的了解! 

Flexible curriculum

Our curriculum is designed with flexibility and individuality in mind. 所有学生毕业时都有机会获得不止一个专业. 

At RWU, 我们鼓励学生探索所有可供他们选择的专业、辅修专业和核心专业. 我们在校园提供丰富的资源来支持学生完成这个过程,从他们的教师学术顾问到咨询办公室的专业顾问和职业中心的工作人员 & Professional Development, just to name a few.  

Students walking under building

Where Do I Start?

Not sure about a major? Thinking about changing your major? 如果你发现自己对这些问题中的任何一个回答是肯定的,请知道你并不孤单! That's perfectly okay. We're excited to work with you to find your path. 许多学生进入大学时对未来的规划不确定,许多返校学生发现自己想探索其他学术领域. We support this exploration and will support you through the process. 请让我们知道,如果你想有一个对话,你的选择联系到 Advising Office. 我们将与我们的专业顾问预约,并在您的每一步提供帮助.

First-Year Support

First-Year Support

我们认为,对于正在探索专业的学生来说,获得尽可能多的支持是很重要的. 每个RWU学生在注册课程之前都必须与指定的学院学术顾问见面,讨论他们的计划并获得选课指导, sequencing and major requirements. 做出决定的学生将得到来自咨询办公室的学术顾问的额外支持,以帮助他们进行专业和职业探索,并指导他们利用所有有助于他们做出决定的校园资源.



Tailored Academic Support


CSAS顾问熟悉RWU的广泛项目,可以将学生推荐给这些领域的适当教师,以便对专业进行更详细的讨论. 该中心全年还提供学术充实研讨会和机会,以帮助应对考试焦虑, time management, and so much more!

Learn about services available through CSAS
Career Exploration

Career Exploration

职业和专业发展中心(CCPD)提供量身定制的建议,帮助你识别和评估你的优势和激情, and explore future jobs and careers that match up with these.

The CCPD also offers a Career Exploration Community 有大量的工具、建议和联系来帮助学生探索他们的选择. 了解哪些类型的工作和行业将是一个很好的适合帮助我们的学生将这些与学术课程的正确组合.

Discover resources available through CCPD

Peer mentor team building

Paired with Peer Mentors

每个学生都有一个经验丰富、训练有素的同伴导师,他们将是一个友好的支持系统,帮助他们从高中过渡到大学生活. 在学生的整个第一学年,同伴导师经常与学生进行检查,以提供有用的指导和见解. From helping you find where your classes are, to providing advice and directing you to support, these mentors are your guide to all things RWU.

Learn more about Peer Mentors

                                                                                      Email Us!                 Call Us at 401-254-3456


Explore our variety of Majors

Download Fact Sheet

Success By The Numbers

Average Placement


Have The Opportunity to Graduate With at Least One Major and Minor

At RWU, 我们鼓励你结合自己的兴趣——我们的课程为你提供了学习其他专业和专业的空间.或者是辅修课程,它会给你技能和丰富的经验,为你的成功奠定基础.

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Real-World Experience

我们的学生从实习中获得雇主想要的经验, research programs and hands-on projects unique to each school and major.