RWU’s Second Annual Real Estate Symposium Explores Industry Challenges, 机会, 和策略

Leading experts in construction, 规划, 房地产, 法律, and sustainability came together to envision new possibilities for reuse, 投资, 和发展.

Three panelists sitting at a table at the Real Estate Symposium
小组成员在第二届年度房地产研讨会上讨论经济适用房的风险和回报. Image Credit: Phases Creative Studios

普罗维登斯,R.I. – 解决当今房地产行业面临的强大力量——从不稳定的利率上升到可负担房屋的短缺, basic housing – leading experts in construction, 规划, 房地产, 法律, and sustainability gathered on Thursday to discuss challenges, 目前的趋势, and potential rewarding opportunities in the rapidly changing industry.

这次会议是网赌的十大网站网赌的十大网站房地产研究所第二届年度研讨会的一部分, titled The Real Estate Industry in 2024: Challenges, 机会, 和策略, 在4月25日举行的.

“大多数人一想到房地产,就会想到买卖房屋. Of course, 房地产 is that, but it’s so much more. It’s everywhere that we live, work, play, and shop. It’s also all the infrastructure that connects those pieces,” said 理查德·戈弗雷是RWU网赌的十大网站房地产研究所的执行董事. “The folks here today represent the broad spectrum of the 房地产 industry. 你们中有些人是律师, 你们中的一些人是投资者, 你们中有些人是开发人员, 你们中有些人是市场分析师. That’s what makes this event so special.”

Godfrey感谢RWU房地产顾问委员会成员将行业专家和小组成员聚集在一起,就影响房地产行业的复杂动态及其对经济和社区的影响提供见解. 指向RWU的 Cummings Institute for Real Estate, 成立于2022年, 戈弗雷表示,他对RWU校长Ioannis Miaoulis及其创建多学科房地产项目的愿景表示感谢, 它结合了建筑, 保存, 施工管理, 工程, 业务, 法律, public administration and leadership, 人文与科学. “We’re working together to create a great dynamic curriculum,戈弗雷说, 哪些课程将使毕业生具备应对房地产复杂挑战的技能和视角,并成为许多房地产相关企业和专业领域的领导者.

Richard Godfrey speaking into a microphone at a podium
理查德·戈弗雷是RWU网赌的十大网站房地产研究所的执行董事. Image Credit: Phases Creative Studios

当天有三个小组讨论,重点讨论了机会和潜在战略. Panelists considered how to reuse vacant office space in urban areas, 反思零售业发展的演变和电子商务对零售业的影响, 并就如何在经济适用房和多户住宅开发需求与投资的不确定性和有竞争力的回报率之间取得平衡制定了策略.               

在她的评论中, 玛格丽特·埃弗雷特, Provost and Senior Vice President for 学术事务 at RWU, emphasized the growth and momentum of RWU’s Real Estate curriculum. “在短短两年内, 网赌的十大网站建立了一个完整的房地产课程,与国内任何其他高等教育机构相匹配或超过. Unlike 房地产 studies at most other colleges and universities, the RWU program includes not just the essence of 房地产 development and 金融; it also emphasizes 房地产 equity, 环境可持续性, 和弹性,”她说。.      

玛格丽特·埃弗雷特, Provost and Senior Vice President for 学术事务 at RWU. Image Credit: Phases Creative Studios

Highlighting the powerful combinations offered at RWU, 埃弗雷特指出,学生们已经将房地产研究生证书与建筑学位结合起来, 法律, 及保存方法. 辅修房地产专业的本科生选择了金融等专业作为补充, 施工管理, 经济学, 工程, 及国际商务, which Everett says provides students with a breadth of knowledge and skills. Beginning in the fall, RWU is launching its M.S. 在房地产项目, which will offer advanced project development, 金融, 经济学, and market analysis courses alongside project management, 技术, 法律, 以及社区规划. “We’re excited to have this full complement of academic programming,”她说。.

致开幕词, 国会议员加布·阿莫, who represents Rhode Island’s First District in the U.S. 众议院, 注意到房地产, 尤其是住房政策, is on the minds of many Americans. 他谈到了全国范围内更多经济适用房的需求,以及他作为议员为帮助实现这一目标所采取的举措,同时他还呼吁政府和私营部门的领导人致力于共同努力和建设.     

国会议员加布·阿莫, who represents Rhode Island’s First District in the U.S. 众议院. Image Credit: Phases Creative Studios

RWU’s interdisciplinary Real Estate program is so vital, Amo说, because the way to solve major problems, 比如房地产危机, 是把伟大的想法汇集在一起. “It’s a testament to the idea that architecture, 保存, 房地产, and sustainability are not individual silos, operating in a vacuum; they are linked, 我们的学生需要学习美国房地产行业的现状,并培养驾驭它的实践经验,他说. “我毫不怀疑,因为我对这个项目的了解,罗杰·威廉姆斯将成功地塑造我们国家最优秀、最聪明的开发人员, 商业管理人员, and residential 房地产 professionals.” Addressing the students in the audience, 阿莫鼓励他们继续学习,并与尽可能多的专家联系.

Heather Boujoulian speaking into a microphone at a podium
Heather Boujoulian, 97年, 他是伯克希尔住宅投资公司发展投资的董事总经理兼首席投资官. Image Credit: Phases Creative Studios

Heather Boujoulian, 97年, 他是伯克希尔住宅投资公司发展投资的董事总经理兼首席投资官, served as the symposium’s master of ceremonies. Boujoulian, a member of both RWU’s Board of Trustees and Real Estate Advisory Board, kicked off the panel discussions. “就目前房地产行业面临的挑战而言,有很多问题需要解决,”她说. “We’re privileged to have some really wonderful folks in the room today; some of the brightest minds in 房地产 are on our panels.”

In addition to the panel discussions, the program included a luncheon, 网络信号, and poster presentations by students from RWU’s 网赌的十大网站建筑学院, who shared their ideas and solutions in 房地产 development.    

Also announced at the symposium, 在波士顿学院举行的第六届年度Corcoran中心案例竞赛中,RWU的房地产团队在来自45所学校的60支团队中排名第四. 作为竞赛的一部分,本科生们分析了一个经济适用房房地产案例. 该团队由来自网赌的十大网站建筑学院的学生组成,马里奥·J. 加贝利商学院, 工程学院, Computing and 施工管理, faced off against teams from Florida State University, 威斯康星大学, 和波士顿学院.

“我们是一个全新的项目. 与这些学校一起进入决赛证明了我们学生的质量和我们项目的跨学科性质,戈弗雷说. “Making it to the final four in our first year is pretty great.”