RWU’s 房地产 Team Places Fourth in National College Competition

五名建筑管理专业的学生, 体系结构, 市场营销, 房地产, and Preservation Studies combined their diverse skills to tackle real-world challenges.

The five members of RWU's 房地产 Club team with their faculty advisor
Issa Ramaji, Director of Curriculum for RWU’s 房地产 Program and advisor to the 房地产 Club, 图右二, with members of the 房地产 Club: junior Daniel Fontana, 建筑管理专业, 小布莱斯·里奇泰利, 建筑管理专业, 大四学生查尔斯·麦高恩, 保存研究专业, 利亚姆·拉奇, 建筑学专业, 还有小斯蒂芬·纳莱斯尼克, 市场营销专业.

布里斯托尔,R.I. – Competing for the first time in the national 科科伦中心案例竞赛, a group of five students from Roger Williams University’s new 房地产 Club with diverse academic backgrounds came together to create an affordable housing proposal that landed them in fourth place out of 60 teams from across the country.

作为第六届年度活动的一部分 科科伦中心案例竞赛 在波士顿学院, 从3月22日持续到4月16日, teams of undergraduate students created comprehensive proposals for the design and financing of an affordable housing development for homeless veterans based in Los Angeles. RWU’s team passed the first round to make it to the final four, where they competed against teams from the University of Wisconsin, 佛罗里达州立大学, 和波士顿学院.   

“Placing fourth in the competition is a remarkable achievement for our newly formed RWU 房地产 program, especially considering this was our inaugural participation,伊萨·拉马吉说, Director of Curriculum for RWU’s 房地产 Program and advisor to the 房地产 Club. “在最后一轮, we competed against teams from universities with prestigious real estate programs. This intense competition underscores the caliber, commitment, and creativity of our students. Our fourth-place finish highlights our team's potential and establishes a solid foundation for RWU in the national real estate academic arena. It’s a proud moment that demonstrates our students' readiness to make significant impacts in the real estate industry.”

The 房地产 Club was created this spring with the goal of bringing together students from various majors interested in learning more about the real estate industry and to participate in educational, 网络, 专业发展机会. 参赛队伍由大三学生丹尼尔·丰塔纳组成, 阿蒙克大学建筑管理专业毕业, N.Y., who served as team captain; 小布莱斯·里奇泰利, 门罗大学建筑管理专业毕业, 康涅狄格州.; 大四学生查尔斯·麦高恩, 保存研究专业 from Scituate, R.I.她也在攻读硕士学位.A. in 体系结构; 利亚姆·拉奇, 建筑学专业 from Newport, R.I.; 还有小斯蒂芬·纳莱斯尼克, 市场营销专业 from Middleton, Mass.

The team’s diversity of academic backgrounds – from 施工管理, 体系结构, 市场营销, and Preservation Studies – illustrates the multidisciplinary nature that sets RWU’s 网赌的十大网站房地产研究所 apart and also served as a strength and key differentiator noted and praised by the competition judges, Ramaji说.

“Collaborating with students from different majors like 体系结构 and 市场营销 was a fantastic learning experience,丰塔娜说, 谁是房地产俱乐部的主席. “This cross-disciplinary teamwork is invaluable for my future in construction management, teaching me how to collaborate effectively with people of various backgrounds. 竞争把我们都逼出了自己的舒适区, challenging us to apply our knowledge creatively in design and finance. I'm grateful for the opportunity to leverage our team's diverse backgrounds to tackle real-world challenges and develop skills essential for my career."